【11年26日】杨冬:A Real-time Port Performance Monitoring System and Its Application

报告题目:A Real-time Port Performance Monitoring System and Its Application





Conventionally, port-related statistics are issued monthly, quarterly, or annually. They can be heterogeneous, delayed, and hard to access. Utilizing the Automatic Identification System (AIS), a satellite-based tracking system generating real-time ship positions and sailing data, we are able to develop a package of innovative methods to produce port statistics at high frequencies and on a global level. The availability of these statistics can improve port management and planning, and support the digitization of the maritime industry.

Overall, we will establish an AIS-based real-time port-performance monitoring platform. Three sets of key indicators are estimated to reflect the real-time status of global ports: throughput, congestion, and connectivity. First, we estimate berthing time and handling efficiency to obtain cargo throughput, also an indicator of port output. Then we extract two congestion-related indicators for port efficiency. Finally, we build a connectivity index at the port level, considering traffic characteristics, route diversity, and network factors.

Output from the platform can serve as the basis of, among many possible applications, potential researches on port management. As an example, we empirically investigate two under-addressed, yet critical, problems: port substitution and congestion internalization.


杨冬博士是香港理工大学深圳研究院副研究员,航运研究中心副主任,航运和物流硕士课程总监。08年神户大学(日本)博士毕业(GPA 5/5),09-10年在南丹麦大学(丹麦)任助理教授,10-12年新加坡国立大学航运研究中心任研究员,12-16年交通运输部水运科学研究院研究员(兼任国际组织亚太港口服务组织项目主任),曾多次代表交通运输部参加亚太经合组织交通工作组会议及双边海运会谈。16年开始任现职位。

杨冬博士是世界海运经济学协会(IAME)唯一来自亚洲的理事会会员,第二十八届世界海运经济学会年会(IAME 2020)执行主席,第十,十一届航运、港口和航空论坛(IFSPA 2019,2021)联席主席。国际航运领域知名期刊《International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics》,《Maritime Business Review》和《THE MARITIME Economist》副主编及多个交通物流类权威期刊(如:《Transportation Research Part E》,《Transport Policy》,《Maritime Policy & Management》, 《International Journal of Transport Economics》)的客座编辑(Guest Editor),国家自然科学基金评审专家。

杨冬博士发表SCI/SSCI期刊论文40余篇,覆盖10个以上交通或海运类主流权威期刊,包括Transportation Research Part A, B, D and E, Transport Reviews, Journal of Transport Geography, Transportation Science, Transport Policy, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Ocean Engineering, Maritime Policy & Management, Journal of Navigation, Research in Transportation Business & Management等。发表文章50%以上属于JCR Q1分区以上,90%以上属于Q2分区以上。

主持或联合主持多项国际和国家交通海运科研项目,资助机构包括联合国亚太经济社会委员会(UNESCAP),亚太经济合作组织交通运输工作组(APEC TPTWG)、国家自然科学基金委(NSFC)、国家自然科学基金委(NSFC)和香港研究资助委员会(RGC)联合基金、香港政府政策基金(PPR)、香港海事处研究基金、香港环境署研究基金、广东省自然科学基金委及多个港口和航运企业。最近的研究领域包括航运大数据(组队获得2020联合国航运大数据黑客竞赛全球第三名)、地区经济和港航系统协调发展、绿色航运、大宗货物国际航运经济性分析,内河运输体系演化和优化、新兴贸易通道分析等。