【11月09日】谭志加:Controlling the emissions of a bi-modal freight corridor with a coordinative mechanism(多模式货运廊道的排放控制政策分析)

报告题目:Controlling the emissions of a bi-modal freight corridor with a coordinative mechanism(多模式货运廊道的排放控制政策分析)

报告人:谭志加   大连海事大学教授   博导

时间:2021年11月9日  下午3:00


摘要:The emission regulations are frequently adopted by the transportation agency to reduce the heavy air pollution. The government always sets her mode-based regulation policies, namely, the policy is designed for the specific transportation mode, such as, road and waterway. However, the regulation results in the increasing of the operation or investment cost of the freight carriers and causes the shift of the freight among the transportation modes. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the efficiency of the emission regulation policies in the systematic viewpoint. In this paper, we consider a freight corridor with multiple transportation modes including road, rail and waterway. The emission regulation is modeled as an increment of the marginal operation cost. We studied the equilibrium of the mode choice under different emission regulations, and examined the efficiency domains of the regulations under different emission control policies. The study is helpful for the government to rule out the inefficient emission control policies in the systematic viewpoint.


谭志加,大连海事大学教授、博士生导师,香港科技大学博士,新加坡国立大学博士后。Transportation Research Part E期刊编委。先后入选湖北省楚天学者计划。主要研究方向:内河航运系统建模与分析、交通运输网络优化理论。发表学术论文30多篇,其中大部分发表于交通运输领域国际顶级及权威期刊上,包括《Transportation Science》、《Transportation Research Part BCE》、《Maritime Policy & Management》、《Journal of Transportation Engineering》等,主持国家自然科学基金3项,负责国家社科重大项目、国家自然科学基金项目子课题3项。世界交通会议(WTC)水运学部水运物流管理技术委员会主席、中国系统工程学会港航分会理事,管理科学与工程学会交通运输管理研究会理事、中国双法学会运输与物流学会理事。