Speaker:Prof. NG. KOI YU Adolf, University of Manitoba
Time: 2021/1/19 15:00-17:00 (GMT+8) 中国标准时间
Tencent Meeting ID: 500 671 681
The presenter attempts to share his views and experience on how to be more successful in applying for research grants from major public funding agencies. With illustrative examples from North America and Hong Kong, he will share some of the ‘secrets’ and ‘tips’ to succeed, as well as some ‘behind-the-scene’ stories of panel members when discussing and deciding whether particular applications should be granted. Also, the presentation will include a real-world case, where participants are expected to review, discuss, and engage. It is hoped that the presentation will help faculties, researchers, and students to become more successful in securing the resources necessary for quality research.
Adolf K.Y. Ng is a professor and senior fellow of St. John’s College at the University of Manitoba, Canada. Obtained his DPhil from University of Oxford, UK, his research interests include maritime transport and logistics, climate change adaptation and resilience, Arctic shipping and development, and logistics education. He is the editor of Maritime Policy & Management and Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics and is highly successful in securing competitive research grants, with nearly 30 funded projects that amounts to CAD 15 million to his name. With such background, he frequently serves in major grant panels, such as the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and Research Manitoba.