2、最佳青年学者,国际级,国际物流项目会议(The International Conference on Project Logistics),由前英国副首相约翰·普雷斯科特男爵(John Prescott)颁发,2018年
1、“Modelling risk based cost analysis of port adaptation measures to climate change”获得2015年亚洲物流圆桌国际会议(International Conference of Asian Logistics Round Table)“最佳会议论文”奖
1、Wang, T., Qu, Z., Yang, Z., & Ng, A. K. (2020). How does the UK transport system respond to the risks posed by climate change? An analysis from the perspective of adaptation planning. In: Ng, A.K.Y., Monios, J. & Jiang, C. (Eds): Maritime Transport and Regional Sustainability (pp. 85-106). ISBN: 978-0-12-819134-7, Elsevier, Amsterdam. (Available online: 15 Nov 2019).
2、Wang, T., Samsom, S. Ng, A.K.Y. & Earl, P. (2016). Climate change and adaptation of remote ports and supply chains in Manitoba, Canada. In: Ng, A.K.Y., Becker, A., Cahoon, S., Chen, S.L., Earl, P. and Yang, Z. (Eds.): Climate Change and Adaptation Planning for Ports. ISBN: 978-1-31-575681-3, Routledge, London. (Available Online: 14 August 2015).
[1] Wang, T.; Ng, A.K.Y (2021). Responding to the Barriers in Climate Adaptation Planning among Transport Systems: Insights from the Case of the Port of Montreal. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. DOI:10.1080/15568318.2021.1960450.
[2] Wang, T., Qu, Z., Yang, Z., Nichol, T., Dimitriu, D., & Clarke, G. (2020). Climate Change Research on Transportation Systems: Climate Risks, Adaptation and Planning. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 88, 202553.
[3] Wang, T., Qu, Z., Yang, Z., Nichol, T., Dimitriu, D., Clarke, G. & Bowden, D. (2020). Impact Analysis of Climate Change on Rail Systems for Adaptation Planning: A UK Case. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 83, 102324.
[4] Wang, T., Qu, Z., Yang, Z., Nichol, T., Dimitriu, D., Clarke, G., & Bowden, D (2019). How can the UK Road System be Adapted to the Impacts Posed by Climate Change? By Creating a Climate Adaptation Framework. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 77, 403-424.
[5] Ng, A. K., Wang, T., Yang, Z., Li, K. X. and Jiang, C (2018). How is Business Adapting to Climate Change Impacts Appropriately? Insight from the Commercial Port Sector. Journal of Business Ethics, 150(4), 1029-1047.
[6] Yang, Z., Ng, A. K., Lee, P. T. W., Wang, T., Qu, Z., Rodrigues, V. S., ... & Lau, Y. Y. (2018). Risk and cost evaluation of port adaptation measures to climate change impacts. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 61, 444-458.
[7] Ng, A.K.Y., Valesco-Acosta, A. and Wang, T. (2015). Institutions and the governance of transport infrastructure projects: some insight from the planning and construction of the CentrePort Canada Way. Research in Transportation Business and Management, 14, 25-33.
1、区域一体化背景下上海港应对气候变化风险的协同运作机制研究,2021上海市浦江人才计划(21PJC068),2021.10 至 2024.09,主持。
2、港口群智慧运营与优化,国家自然科学基金委(重点项目)(72031005), 2021.1 至2025.12,参与。
3、大型港口智能化关键技术联合研发与示范,国家重点研发计划“战略国际科技创新合作” (2020YFE0201200),2020.6至2023.6,参与。
4、EU H2020 ENHANCE – Human Reliability Analysis and Training 欧盟人因可靠性分析与培训计划,2019-2022,参与。