​A Short Course on Transport network analysis

Name of the Lecturer: Prof. Benjamin Heydecker, University College London                                     


Short Bio: After his graduation on the mathematical tripos at Cambridge University, Benjamin Heydecker joined the Centre for Transport Studies at UCL (University College London) where he studied for his doctorate in transport studies under the supervision of Professor Richard Allsop. He moved to the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds as Research Officer where he worked for three years. He then returned to the Centre for UCL as Lecturer in Transport Studies, where he is now Emeritus Professor of Transport Studies.

Heydecker specialises in the development and application of mathematical and statistical analysis in transport studies. His current research is in application areas of vehicle emissions as they affect urban air quality, railway traffic control, transport safety, discrete choice modelling and vehicle automation. He has particular interests in network modelling, traffic management and control, and dynamic modelling. The emerging methodology of information and communications technology (ICT) provides new opportunities for the applications that he explores.


Subject Description:

The course in Transport Network Analysis will explore the role of this quantitative approach in the transport planning process. The framework for this is the 4-stage transport planning model comprising Trip generation, Trip distribution, Mode split and Traffic assignment. Within this framework, the focus of network analysis is in the traffic assignment stage, which takes an origin-destination trip matrix as a representation of travel demand and a transport network as a representation of supply. The relationship between supply and demand is resolved by adopting an assignment principle that represents the route choice of individuals. This course will explore the relationships among supply, demand and assignment principle, and will show how the resulting model for the 4th stage of the transport planning process integrates with other parts of it. Attention will be paid to each of equilibrium, stochastic equilibrium and system optimal assignment principles. Combined transport models will also be explored that represent the integration of the assignment process together travel demand as represented by mode choice and by trip distribution to achieve mutual consistency between these elements of the transport planning process. Integration of the assignment process with network design will be introduced as a way of anticipating travellers’ response to changes in transport provision: this will be illustrated with examples to show the importance for strategic investment in transport facilities. The topic of dynamic traffic assignment will also be introduced, including the choice of travellers’ departure times.

This short course will prepare students to engage more fully in transport planning, with a clear understanding of the methods used to model transport systems, so to analyse their operation more effectively and ultimately to design them better. The broad coverage will also prepare students for future developments in this important area of transport studies.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this course the students will be able to:

-Understand the four-stage approach to transport planning

-Formulate network models of travel

-Distinguish among different traffic assignment principles

-Compare network performance under different route choice principles

-Identify the need for combined transport models

-Understand the importance of statistical modelling approaches

-Be able to specify, estimate and interpret appropriate statistical models

-Represent transport and traffic management policies within the four-stage framework

-Interpret differences between model runs with different specifications

-Choose among different assignment principles according to the policy to be evaluated

-Incorporate value of time as a motivation for departure time choice

-Adopt dynamic transport models where appropriate



Equilibrium network models 

The purpose of these lectures is to familiarise students with the structure of the four-stage transport planning model and the way in which it represents travellers’ dimensions of choice. The focus is on the role of road traffic assignment and equilibrium modelling within this



The purpose of these lectures is to introduce to students the concepts of using unconstrained and constrained optimisation as equivalent formulations to equilibrium transport models, and interpret their results in terms of travel behaviour.


Combined transport model

The purpose of these lectures is to introduce to students ways in which stages of the transport planning process can be combined to achieve mutual consistency between travel behaviour and the associated costs.


Trip matrix estimation 

The purpose of this lecture is to familiarise students with a range of approaches to using low-cost abundant traffic data to estimate travel demand trip matrices for use in road traffic assignment.


Dynamic traffic assignment 

The purpose of this lecture is to extend static transport model to dynamic ones that can represent peak-period congestion and travellers’ response to this explicitly. This treatment includes choice of departure time.

Programme of Teaching, March 2021:

The course will be delivered in 8 blocks of 4 hours duration, including breaks and illustrative case studies. Students will be engaged in formative exercises to explore the methods presented, including numerical examples and dynamic simulation using provided software.


Session 11

Session 12

Session 13



15 March



4   stage transport planning model



17 March


Network   modelling and analysis

Traffic   management



18 March


Optimisation   methods

Example   applications

Constrained   optimisation



19 March


Equilibrium   analysis

Equilibrium   and optimisation



22 March


Regression   modelling

Statistical   models

in   transport

Network   design



24 March

Demand   estimation

Matrix   estimation by maximum entropy (ME2)



25 March


Network   management

Congestion   charging

Low   emissions zones



26 March


Combined   transport models: Integration within the 4-stage model

Dynamic   network modelling


Scheduled in response to students’ need

Additional   tutorial sessions for

discussion,   exercise answers and revision







Teaching Platform: 

1.March 15th  18:00-20:20 Shanghai Time

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Meeting ID: 958 5519 4249
 Passcode: 144901

2. March 17th 18:00-20:20 Shanghai Time

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Meeting ID: 934 4259 2175
 Passcode: 662840

3.March 18th 15:00-18:20 Shanghai Time

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Meeting ID: 968 1207 0136
 Passcode: 623561

4. March 19th  18:00-20:20 Shanghai Time

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Meeting ID: 934 4259 2175
 Passcode: 662840

5. March 22nd  18:00-20:20 Shanghai Time

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Meeting ID: 942 0307 7027
 Passcode: 637582

6.March 24th  15:00-18:20 Shanghai Time

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Meeting ID: 935 9296 1861
 Passcode: 512077

7. March 25th  15:00-18:20 Shanghai Time

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Meeting ID: 979 8952 2559
 Passcode: 975246

8. March 26th  18:00-20:20 Shanghai Time

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Meeting ID: 979 8952 2559
 Passcode: 975246