[May 18] Young-Tae Chang: Economic and Environmental Efficiency of Transportation Sectors

Lecture name: 
Economic and Environmental Efficiency of Transportation Sectors
Young-Tae Chang
May 18, 2018 13:30
Conference Hall, CTC College Building

Transportation sectors in many countries have been attempting to increase their competitiveness by enhancing their productivity, providing better quality services and reducing their costs. Some transportation operators such as shipping lines and airlines generate more traffic and revenue than their competitors even though they use the similar level of labor and capital. On the other hand, some operators use less labor and capital than their rivals to produce the similar level of traffic and revenue. Undoubtedly, efficient transport operation that consumes less inputs and produce more outputs seems to be a certified check for gaining competitive edge in the fierce transportation industry. In addition, contemporary transportation sectors are required to operate their facilities more environmentally friendly due to increasing awareness and concerns of their stakeholders arising from global warming and climate change issues. Therefore, more transport companies are investing in environmental facilities to respond to the needs and concerns of their stakeholders.

Numerous studies were conducted to analyze the sectors’ productivity, efficiency and competitiveness based on commercial goods and services that they produce. However, only a few empirical studies have been undertaken regarding the environmental efficiency of the sectors since most previous studies have not considered undesirable outputs that the industries generate, for instance, CO2 emissions. Therefore, it is important to revisit the efficiency from an environmental perspective. To fill the gap in the literature, the objective of this presentation is to show various economic and environmental efficiency studies applied to transportation sectors, which Professor Chang has conducted recently. He will present important issues, new methodologies to address the issues and major findings.

Lecturer's profile: 

Dr. Young-Tae (YT) Chang is Inha Fellow Professor (University Chair Professor) at Graduate School of Logistics and also at Asia Pacific School of Logistics, Inha University in Incheon, Korea. He has published numerous papers in numerous refereed international citation journals. The journals include Transportation Research Record, Transportation Research Part A, D and E, Transport Reviews, Transportation Journal, Transport Policy, Marine Policy, Maritime Economics & Logistics, Maritime Policy and Management, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, Journal of Air Transport Management, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Marine Resource Economics, International Journal of Coastal and Marine Law, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Logistics Management, Energy Policy, Tourism Management, Sustainability and Korea Observer.  He has been also working as guest-editors for International Journal of Coastal and Marine Law, Korea Observer, Journal of International Logistics and Trade, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics and Transportation Research Part D. He reviews papers for major international journals in transportation and logistics areas. He conducted various researches on maritime and multi-modal transportation, marine policy and socio-economic analysis on ocean-related projects as PI or Co-PI over 60 international and domestic projects while he has been in research arena for over thirty years since 1984. Prior to working at Inha University, he worked for Korea Ocean Institute of Science and Technology (formerly Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute) and Korea Maritime Institute for about twenty years. Since he joined Inha University, he has been actively involved in international network of education and research including Global University 8 Consortium as the Founding Secretary-General, Asia Logistics Round Table (ALRT) as a Founding Member, Green Research and Education Network (GREEN) as the President, Master of Global Logistics Program as the Director and two double degree programs with the University of Le Havre (ISEL) and Kedge School of Management (formerly Bordeaux School of Business) in France as the Steering Committee member, respectively. He is a past President of Korea Port Economic Association. He was Visiting Professor at the University of Rhode Island in USA and visits the Australian Maritime College at the University of Tasmania as an Adjunct Professor on regular basis as well as Nanyang Technological University in Singapore as MPA Visiting Professor and the World Maritime University in Sweden as Visiting Professor. He has been key-note speakers and invited speakers in numerous places in the world.