


他的研究具有跨学科的特点,把管理科学与运筹学的理论、模型和方法用于交通运输问题的解决;其研究成果主要在交通运输网络分析及应用、交通与环境以及港航运输与物流等领域。目前发表SCIE/SSCI源期刊论文60余篇,其中约1/3发表在Transportation Science和Transportation Research Parts A-D上。近年先后受邀担任:

· 第六届出行需求管理国际会议执行委员会主席,

· 第六届交通运输研究(上海)论坛工作委员会主席(2015),

· 第十六届海外华人交通协会国际交通科技年会(CICTP2016)组委会主席(2016),

· 《交通信息与安全》第八届编委会副主任,

· 上海市力学学会交通流及数据科学专业委员会副主任(发起人之一),

· 管理科学与工程学会交通运输管理研究会第一届委员会委员 (2017 – 至今),

· 管理科学与工程学会第三届理事会理事 (2017 – 至今)

· 世界运输大会水运学部主席 (2017 – 至今),

· 中国公路学会交通院校工作委员会第一届委员会副秘书长 (2017 – 至今),

· 中国公路学会运输与物流分会第八届理事会常务理事(2018 – 至今)。

此外,他担任Maritime Policy and Management、Transport和Transportmetrica B等3个期刊的副主编,并是Transport PolicyTransportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 等SCIE/SSCI源期刊的编委会成员。他还以客座主编组织多个SCIE/SSCI源期刊特刊;多次受邀作国际会议大会报告和在国际著名大学多次作学术报告。



代表作 (作者名后的上标G表示该作者当时为研究生(包括博士生和硕士生)、上标A代表研究助手、上标*代表通讯作者)

[1] Zheng, S.Y., Ge, Y.E., Fu, X.W. and Jiang, C.M. “,” Transportation Research Part B123: 110-126, 2019; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trb.2019.03.015

[2] Ge, Y.E., Sun, B.R.G, Zhang, H.M., Szeto, W.Y. and Zhou, X. “A comparison of dynamic user optimal states with zero, fixed and variable tolerances,” Networks & Spatial Economics 15(3): 583-598, 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s11067-014-9243-9

[3] Ge Y.E.* and Zhou X. “An alternative definition of dynamic user optimum on signalized road networks,” Journal of Advanced Transportation, 46(3): 236 – 253, 2012; DOI: 10.1002/atr.207

[4] Carey M.* and Ge Y.E.A “Retaining desirable properties in discretising a whole-link travel-time model,” Transportation Research Part B 41, 540-553, 2007.

[5] Carey M.* and Ge Y.E.A “Alternative conditions for a well-behaved travel-time model,” Transportation Science 39, 417–428, 2005.

[6] Carey M.* and Ge Y.E.A “Convergence of a discretised travel-time model,” Transportation Science 39, 25-38, 2005.

[7] Zhang H.M.* and Ge Y.E.A “Modeling variable demand equilibrium under second-best road pricing,” Transportation Research Part B 38, 733-749, 2004.

[8] Carey M.* and Ge, Y.E.A “Comparing whole-link travel-time models,” Transportation Research Part B 37, 905-926, 2003.

[9] Carey M.*, Ge Y.E.A and McCartney M.A “A whole-link travel-time model with desirable properties,” Transportation Science 37, 83-96, 2003.

[10] Ge Y.E.A, Zhang, H.M.* and Lam, W.H.K. “Network reserve capacity under influence of traveler information,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering 129, 262-270, 2003.



[1] Zhang X.*, Chen M.Y., Wang M.G., Ge Y.E. and Stanley H.E. “A novel hybrid approach to Baltic Dry Index forecasting based on a combined dynamic fluctuation network and artificial intelligence method,” Applied Mathematics and Computation 361: 499-516, 15 November 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2019.05.043

[2] Zhou Y., Ge Y.E. and Wang W.Y. “Inspection Area Layout Optimization at Foreign Trade Container Terminal Considering Uncertainties,” Presented at the 3rd World Transport Convention and received the Best Paper Award, 14-16 June 2019, Beijing, China.

[3] Zhu, S.D., Zheng, S., Ge, Y.E., Fu, X., Sampaio, B., Jiang, C. “Vertical integration and its implications to port expansion,” Maritime Policy and Management: WTC2018 Special Issue, accepted in December 2018, https://doi.org/10.1080/03088839.2019.1594426

[4] Liu D.A, and Ge Y.E.* “minimizing CO2 emission at a container terminal,” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 61A: 140-151, 2018; https://dx.doi.org/10.​1016/​j.​trd.​2017.​06.​006;

[5] Ge Y.E., Long J.C., Xiao F. and Shi, Q. “Editorial: Traffic modeling for low-emission transport,” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 60: 1-6, 19 March 2018; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2017.11.001.

[6] Yu H.G, Ge Y.E.*, Fu X., Huang Y., Zhang Y. and Tan C. “Capturing effects of container location dispersion on quay crane performance at a terminal,” Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers --- Maritime Engineering 171(1), 25–39, 2018; https://doi.org/10.1680/jmaen.2017.21.

[7] Yu H., Ge Y.E.* Chen J.H., Luo L.H., Tan C. “Incorporating container location dispersion into evaluating GCR performance at a transshipment terminal,” Maritime Policy and Management 45(6): 770-786, 2018; https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03088839.2017.1410243

[8] Zhu S.D.G, Fu X.W., Ng A., Luo, M.* and Ge Y.E. “The environmental costs and economic implications of container shipping on the Northern Sea Route,” Maritime Policy and Management 45(4): 456 – 477, 2018; https://doi.org/10.1080/03088839.2018.1443228

(awarded as 2018 Best Paper of the Journal)

[9] Zheng S.Y., Ge Y.E.*, Fu X., Nie Y. and Xie C. “Modeling collusion-proof port emission regulation of cargo-handling activities under incomplete information,” Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 104C: 543-567,; https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trb.2017.04.015

[10] Yu H.G, Ge Y.E.*, Chen J.H., L.H., Tan C. “CO2 emission evaluation of yard tractors during loading at container terminals,” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 53, 17-36, 2017; accepted on , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2017.03.014